De Gezondheid en Levens Omstandigheden van de Bevolking van Eindhoven en omstreken (GLOBE) studie is een longitudinale studie die is begonnen in 1991. Deze studie is opgezet om te onderzoeken welke invloed levensomstandigheden hebben op de gezondheid van mensen. Een belangrijk onderdeel hiervan is bijvoorbeeld het onderzoeken van mechanismen en factoren die sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen kunnen verklaren. In de GLOBE studie wordt informatie gevraagd over werk-, woon- en leefomstandigheden en allerlei gezondheidskenmerken. Vanaf 2004 is ook meer nadruk gelegd op het identificeren van fysieke, sociale en culturele omgevingsfactoren die een rol spelen in de gezondheid van de inwoners van deze buurten.

In 1991 vond het baselineonderzoek plaats bij 18.973 respondenten in de stad Eindhoven en omliggende steden. Twee deelsteekproeven van respondenten uit de baseline werden uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan aanvullende diepte-interviews. De eerste deelsteekproef was een willekeurige steekproef. De tweede deelsteekproef omvatte een oververtegenwoordiging van chronisch zieke personen, gebaseerd op zelfgerapporteerde informatie over chronische ziekten zoals coronaire hartziekten, diabetes mellitus, chronische obstructieve longziekte (COPD) of rugklachten. In 1991, 1997, 2004, 2011 en 2014 zijn beide deelsteekproeven geïnterviewd en/of onderzocht. In 2004, 2014 en 2021 zijn aanvullende steekproeven gedaan om de onderzoekspopulatie te versterken. In 1993 en 1995 werd de eerste (willekeurige) deelsteekproef geïnterviewd. In 1992, 1993, 1994 en 1995 werd de tweede (chronisch zieke) deelsteekproef geïnterviewd.
Daarnaast werden diepte-interviews gehouden in 2005 onder de subgroep van de 2004 onderzoekspopulatie, in 2012 onder de subgroep van de 2011 onderzoekspopulatie en in 2016 onder de subgroep van de 2014 onderzoekspopulatie.

De GLOBE studie wordt uitgevoerd door de afdeling Maatschappelijke Gezondheidszorg van het Erasmus MC in nauwe samenwerking met de GGD Brabant-Zuidoost. Over de lange periode van onderzoek werd de studie gefinancierd door de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Gezondheidsonderzoek en Ontwikkeling (ZonMW), Nederlandse ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, de Ziekenfondsraad, de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Onderzoek en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Onderzoekers zijn van harte uitgenodigd om contact op te nemen met het GLOBE team om onderzoek op basis van de gegevens voor te stellen.

GLOBE Study – Timeline

  • GLOBE – Baseline

    GLOBE - Baseline
    The baseline investigation involves a postal questionnaire regarding socioeconomic position (SEP), health, health behaviors, material factors, psychosocial factors, youth circumstances and sociodemographics. Information from the baseline postal survey onward has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission information from all Dutch individuals; […]
  • GLOBE – 1992 follow-up

    GLOBE - 1992 follow-up
    Only the chronically ill subsample was interviewed in 1992. The interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health, health behaviors and sociodemographics. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission information from all Dutch individuals; and the […]
  • GLOBE – 1993 follow-up

    GLOBE - 1993 follow-up
    Both subsamples were interviewed in 1993. The interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health, health behaviors (random sample only), material factors, psychosocial factors and sociodemographics. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission information from all […]
  • GLOBE – 1994 follow-up

    GLOBE - 1994 follow-up
    Only the chronically ill subsample was interviewed in 1994. The interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health and sociodemographics. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission information from all Dutch individuals; and the Regional Cancer […]
  • GLOBE – 1995 follow-up

    GLOBE - 1995 follow-up
    Both subsamples were interviewed in 1995. The interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health and sociodemographics. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission information from all Dutch individuals; and the Regional Cancer Surveillance South.
  • GLOBE – 1997 follow-up

    GLOBE - 1997 follow-up
    Both subsamples completed a postal survey and were interviewed. The postal survey collected information about health, health behaviors, material factors and sociodemographics. The interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health, health behaviors (random sample only), psychosocial factors, cultural factors, youth circumstances and sociodemographics (random sample only). Information from the survey has been linked […]
  • GLOBE – 2004 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2004 follow-up
    Both subsamples completed a postal survey Two other samples were added to the study: first, new participants and secondly, a sample from the baseline investigation who still lived in Eindhoven in 2004. The postal questionnaire provided information regarding socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health, health behaviors, material factors, psychosocial factors, sociodemographics and the built environment. Information […]
  • GLOBE – 2005 follow-up

    GLOBE - follow-up
    In 2005, two new sub-samples, who were selected among respondents in the 2004 survey and were living in seven of the most deprived and seven of the most affluent neighborhoods of Eindhoven, were invited for an interview. This in-depth interview provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health behaviors, material factors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors, […]
  • GLOBE – 2011 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2011 follow-up
    All available respondents to the 2004 questionnaire were invited again to participate in a postal survey. The postal questionnaire provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, material factors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors and sociodemographics. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical […]
  • GLOBE – 2012 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2012 follow-up
    A subsample of participants to the postal survey in 2011 were invited for an interview. The interview provided information regarding health, health behaviors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors and youth circumstances. Information from the survey has been linked to three main databases: the Cause-specific death registers from Statistics Netherlands; the National Medical Register including hospital admission […]
  • GLOBE – 2014 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2014 follow-up
    All available respondents to the 2004 or 2011 questionnaires were invited again to participate in a postal survey. A new sample of residents from Eindhoven was also added to the study. The postal questionnaire provided information about socioeconomic position, SEP-related information, health, health behaviors, oral health, material factors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors, sociodemographics and social […]
  • GLOBE – 2016 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2016 follow-up
    A subsample of participants to the postal survey in 2014 were invited for an interview. The interview provided information regarding health, health behaviors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors, youth circumstances and social and cultural values.
  • GLOBE – 2021 follow-up

    GLOBE - 2021 follow-up
    All respondents from previous waves still living in Eindhoven were invited to participate in the 2021 survey. A new sample of Eindhoven residents was also added to the study. The 2021 postal survey provides information on socioeconomic position, health, health behaviors, social network characteristics, living situation,  material factors, psychosocial factors, cultural factors, and sociodemographics.
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